The Big, Crazy Dreams Are Easier To Reach Than Small, Ordinary Goals

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first ones to climb Mount Everest, while most were thinking if they could scale even Mount Wycheproof. The difference being Edmund and Tenzing dared to dream.

Jessica Watson a 16-year-old Australian girl was the youngest sailor to sail SOLO around the world. A journey which took her over 23,000 Nautical miles and lasted 210 days. You have to be crazy and dream BIG to achieve such accomplishments.

In our own backyard of MCUSA Shah and Parak are about to realize a dream of transporting 160 of us with kit bags and all to Dubai to pay amongst ourselves. Yes, you read it right, it is to play amongst ourselves we are traveling 6000 miles. When one heard this for the first time it sounded CRAZY, BIZZARE and even INSANE!!

That is how it would have sounded when Jessica expressed her desire to SAIL (Please note she did not take a ship but sailed in a 34-foot Yacht) the world. She returned to Australia and was greeted by thousands of Australians and was christened “young Australian of the year” That Bizarre dream earned her the title.

The most important aspect of fulfilling a dream however crazy it may be is to EMBRACE GOING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. That is exactly what the MCUSA management did in making this bizarre dream of going to Dubai a reality.

A core team was formed, we at MCUSA are blessed to have some committed, passionate and extremely willing cricket lovers who would do anything for the institution. Arun-Susheel-Vinod was formed as a core committee to help Shah and Parak pull this dream off. Fazal, Ashish, Adnan have been involved and working behind the scenes for a long time and they too were roped in to help with media presentations and logistics. The core committee is ensuring every aspect of conducting a tournament of this magnitude is given due attention.

Fazal is leading the effort to ensure clothing, blazers caps etc. are all delivered in time. In the tournaments in Houston, we get the help of Rafey, Jam, Mustafa and others. In LA we get Sanjeewa, Jeevaka, Arun T and others to help. The beauty of this institution is its players and the will to be one family.

Age committee ECs provided their intellect, knowledge and expertise to help plan the event in Dubai. Specifically, the core committee of Arun-Susheel-Vinod worked at all odd hours given the time difference between USA and UAE to ensure every minute detail was looked into.

Ashish and Adnan have been providing magnificent visuals to match the destination and venue of the tournament. What we have seen so far is just the tip of the ice burg from them.

Shah has worked his magic again with his networking capabilities to get the US Embassy officials as guests of honor and grace the MCUSA Zonal tournament in Dubai.

Now to the heist so to say, the marketing team led by Arun has attracted sponsors who have ploughed in $55,000 to support this tournament in Dubai. The direct benefit of these sponsors to each player on the tour to Dubai will be perceivable as the tour pans out.

I cannot wait for the bell to ring at the Sevens on Oct 19th when the 50’s will play their first game to show how dreams are in fact fulfilled.

Wishing every player, every team from 40’s 50’s and 60’s the very best. A very big Thank you to Shah, Arun, Vinod, Susheel, Fazal, the MCUSA EC and various age committees of MCUSA. A warm salute and regards to the A boys of our media team Ashish and Adnan, they have been game changers to the image and visibility of Masters.

While everyone else is going there to play Arun, Vinod and Susheel are going there to ensure we get to play. Ashish and Adnan will provide the pictures, the story of how we play and capture the memories of a lifetime.

Look forward to seeing you’ll soon, lets have a great tournament.


Ravi Suri

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